Lets face it, there are credit card debt old school elitist advocate whores who are ruining the planet. Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores are just as bad as those who enticed and addicted Asians to smoking cigarettes.
Because of digital technology and built up infrastructure, the world economy has expanded to the point where the less debt there is, the more agile the world and its people become. However, the Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores think they are doing the world a favor by allowing us to stand below them while groveling in debt.
Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores need to die because they are too set in their ways to change, and that is what is killing the planet. Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores receive the best interest rate dividends and Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores need to die because of this, and the sooner the better.
Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores are too set in their ways to understand that what worked in the past, has now devolved into an economic toxin that leaves people homeless by the tens of thousands everyday in the United States and no doubt is doing the same elsewhere.
Unfortunately, Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores are either too stupid to see that hardware infrastructure and digital capacitance has flowered, or too narcissistic to see that they are no longer needed.
Unless these Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores understand they should be receiving the lowest interest rates on their billions of dollars of wealth, not the highest, they need to die, and the sooner the better.