Wall Street Change offers simple, logical solutions to tough economic problems
that appear to have been caused by Wall Street Investment Fraud.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Credit card debt old school elitist advocate whores are destroying the world economy.

Lets face it, there are credit card debt old school elitist advocate whores who are ruining the planet. Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores are just as bad as those who enticed and addicted Asians to smoking cigarettes.

Because of digital technology and built up infrastructure, the world economy has expanded to the point where the less debt there is, the more agile the world and its people become. However, the Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores think they are doing the world a favor by allowing us to stand below them while groveling in debt.

Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores need to die because they are too set in their ways to change, and that is what is killing the planet. Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores receive the best interest rate dividends and Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores need to die because of this, and the sooner the better.

Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores are too set in their ways to understand that what worked in the past, has now devolved into an economic toxin that leaves people homeless by the tens of thousands everyday in the United States and no doubt is doing the same elsewhere.

Unfortunately, Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores are either too stupid to see that hardware infrastructure and digital capacitance has flowered, or too narcissistic to see that they are no longer needed.

Unless these Credit Card debt old school elitist advocate whores understand they should be receiving the lowest interest rates on their billions of dollars of wealth, not the highest, they need to die, and the sooner the better.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Splitting the Stock Market into Digital Products and Hardware Products would help stabilize the stock market.

A few years back I noticed that stock market analysts were big on digital software technologies, and down on hardware based technologies. The simplistic and opportunistic reason for this profit based bent was that digital software products can be easily replicated, and can be periodically upgraded as well. Whereas investor analysts saw a well made hardware product in many instances as a one time sale with a one time profit margin.

With the advent of the internet, hardware products faced an additional disadvantage. If the hardware product was well made and was given well deserved platitudes on the internet, price competitions could heat up resulting in low profit margins for the well made products. Box houses would sacrifice profit margins in exchange for large volume sales, and this tended to trickle back to the manufacturer who needed to keep market share over cheap "knock off" versions.

However, if a digital software product was "buggy", internet forum groups would spring up as a form of "support" and anytime a bug was identified and/or fixed, everybody on the forums seemed happy to have played a part in the ongoing growth and improvement of the product. The product may have been defective, but we (the forum) helped make it better, "so we like it and support it, and look forward to PAYING for the IMPROVED version!

Well, thanks for nothing wall street investor analysts who overwhelmingly chose digital over hardware. Or should I say, thanks for the negative result. It has become clear to me that no economy can only rely on creating digital software products that once made and replicated, results in huge ongoing profits.

Clamoring primarily for Digital Software products versus Hardware products is like consuming an all carbohydrate diet, or an all protein diet, or an all fat diet. At some point we should recognize and separate each type of food product into its own food group.

I see a correlation between film vs digital, and hardware (film) vs software (digital). Most people don't see a correlation and relationship between a digitally created economy versus one comprised of hardware based products. My involvement in first film, and then video production and editing, allowed me to analyze the benefits and detriments of both film and video formats, and I feel both actually have a place in our creative world.

Until the world's economy recognizes each of these two components, software versus hardware, as being separate but interdependent, the stock market will continue to twitch in a spasmodic sequence of hope and failure.

I believe separating stock market hardware products from stock market digitally based products by creating two stock markets will allow the financial experts to assess what percentage of each "food group" is necessary for an "efficient" economy.

As long as our stock markets continue to jumble together hardware and software technologies, the resulting mess will continue to obfuscate the ideal percentage of these two components that is necessasry to run an effective economy.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chinese build 15 story building in 6 days.

I noticed in the beginning of the video that they are using pre-fabricated components. In essence, this is lego construction come to life. So, hopefully, many of the jobs that are lost on site, are actually preserved in the pre-fabrication process.

If however, the pre-fabricated process does not produce that many well paying jobs, then the overall cost of the building has been radically reduced, and that reduction should be passed on in the form of lower costs to actually inhabit the building. Lower costs mean people won't have to work as many hours to afford their living space which means less overall pressure on the worlds resources.

It's old school billionaire thinking in which they would want to charge as much as possible no matter how inexpensively the building is made that creates economic malfeasance. Either lower the cost to live in the building, or don't bother building the building because the profit margin becomes so great that the middle class can never afford to live in the very buildings they helped prefab, and that is not progress.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Unknown tribe found in Peru.

A couple of things about the newly discovered Tribe that was found in Peru. The first thing about this story is it comes from AlJazeera-English. The second is the story does not spend that much time on the tribe itself, but instead spends most of the time on how capitalism is encroaching on their living space.

I have questions about the visuals that were shown. How does the tribe keep all of their hair so evenly cut. Nobody had beards (perhaps they don't have facial hair), but nobody had scraggily long hair either. Where do they get the metal that appears to be pierced on their face?

I'm mystified that we barely get to know anything about this tribe, and instead we primarily hear about the encroaching forces that threaten the tribe.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A 2010, after the election, 4 Point Economic Plan that requires no bailout!

Here is a four point plan to reverse the economic downturn in America.

1. Reduce the interest rate on deposits of the billionaires, while increasing the interest rates on savings for those with minimal savings.

In essence an interest rate savings reverse structure, those with less wealth get a higher rate of return on their deposits than those with more wealth. We are presently in an economic ponzie scheme in which the rich demand the greatest return on their dollar, and this puts immense pressure on the servicers of those funds to create unrealistic profit margins for their tycoon clients.

2. Create a consumer credit card debt reduction incentive plan that would also lower the interest rate on existing credit card debt to 1.9% for those who are actually paying down their overall credit card debt every month (this program should also apply to student loan debt).

To keep the 1.9% interest rate, consumers simply need to lower their overall debt each month to take advantage of the consumer debt low interest rate debt reduction incentive plan.
Example, consumer has 10,000 dollars in debt. Each month, the customer'ss monthly minimum payment would be 2.5% of the total due, however, the customer would get to "re spend" 40% of the amount that the principle was reduced by.
The result would be a steady decline in the overall credit card debt while allowing the consumer to continue to make necessary, frugal purchases each month.

3. Foreclosure Homeowner Rebate Checks to anybody being foreclosed upon on a homeowners primary residence. This Foreclosure rebate check would be calculated at 80% of the original down payment plus 80% of any accrued equity if a foreclosure occurs. 

The foreclosure rebate check can be applied towards staying in the existing home until most of the rebate money is used up, (the rest going towards moving expenses for the foreclosed homeowner). Or, the homeowner can choose to take the rebate check and walk away (the homeowner would still have the right to hire an attorney if they think they lost their home because of predatory loans or unfair policies).

4. An across the board home mortgage interest rate reduction to 3.5%, effective immediately, for everybody, no questions asked. For those homeowners who are a glutton for being put through the paperwork ringer, offer a 3.0% option for those willing to deal with all the paperwork filings and potential months of delays.

Notice that none of these four suggestions requires the government actually give out any subsidies. Instead, this four point plan reduces the interest rate debt load of main street, while putting the brakes on out of control profiteering by the ultra wealthy. 
The additional monthly increase in spendable income will generate more local economic activity, and that activity will be based on EARNED INCOME. This in turn will help stabilize local governments as they see their sales tax receipts begin to rise.

UPDATE - NOV. 19, 2010 - Bernie Sanders, congressperson from Vermont just identified the same problem to the economy as I have, the billionaires, 16 days after I originally wrote my 4 point economic plan down below. However, Sanders "solution" to tax them more is not what I advocate. I advocate giving the billionaires and trillionaires less interest payment payouts on their gargantuan savings.

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